The three bad boy ducks named Big Duck, Cheese and Quackers have been terrorizing not only the girl ducks but also our gentle chickens. In their ongoing mating rituals, they're getting amorous with any kind of feathered creature, whether duck or chicken, and are getting too rambunctious about it. Egg mishaps have started to occur daily and the hens are looking haggard from being roughly handled and chased around the coop all day long. The poor girls don't find the boys' attention flattering to say the least and they are just plain exhausted. It has to stop. So we separated the naughty boy ducks from the rest of the flock. All three bad boy ducks moved out of the chicken coop and into the garden. I carried each bad boy out one by one. They struggled furiously all the way, digging their toenails into my skin and trying to pull their wings up to flap them in my face, which wasn't much fun for me, either. All three were soon sequestered there, but as I pushed their