We're excited to have the boom lift here so that we can more easily and safely paint the upper level of our house. You may recall that last year, after many days of painting, I fell off the ladder while trying to paint a portion of the second story; the ladder slid away from the house and I came crashing down, paint bucket flying and globs of yellow paint splattering all over the place. With a badly bruised leg and hip, and my arm and back wrenched out of whack, I decided to put away my paint brush and work with my husband to come up with a better plan. We finally realized that renting a boom lift was the only reasonably safe way for us to accomplish this task. The rainy fall season was approaching at that time, and so we had to put off the task until now. We rented a Genie TZ-50 trailer-mounted articulating boom lift from Sunbelt Rentals. It has outriggers that come down to help make it very stable. There's a power plug in the bucket so you can run a sander...