Like most everyone else, we've been hunkering down at home and doing our best not to catch and spread COVID-19 in our community. Daily phone calls and texts with family and friends are a lifeline and help us stay connected. My sister reminded me yesterday that I was overdue in posting a farm update - so here it is! We've been spending a significant amount of time working in the yard and garden -- an activity that just about everyone I know has been indulging in as well. Right now across the country, I have a feeling that perhaps a few million people have planted vegetable seeds and have been spending time baking bread and other treats, too. Something about this time we are in has caused my family to want to listen to jazz and swing music, especially from the 1920s through 1940s. Take a listen! I am feeling a strong connection to the past, to my grandmother's and great grandmother's eras. While listening, I like to imagine how often this m...