When we first toured our property before we bought it, we came across these hooks in the ground near the back door of the house. Upon seeing those, my first thought was that perhaps one day long ago people used to hitch their horses up close to the house so as to go inside for a spell. But I quickly learned that those unusual-looking hooks in concrete blocks by the back door weren't used for hitching horses. Nope, that there is the septic tank. The hardware is used for lifting the concrete lids up so that you can pump out the sludge inside. Yesterday, we had the unfortunate experience of getting up close and personal with the septic tank. While there are three lids, I learned that there are actually two tanks. One tank has two lids and the other has one bigger lid. The whole area was completely covered by moss until yesterday. The area closest to the house had mud on top, at least for a while I thought that was mud. It wasn't. I learned this when I had to get a shovel