This year I gave "Three Sisters" companion planting a try, planting my pole beans in the same row with the corn alongside the squash. The harvest from all three crops has been amazing. Green beans are growing 8 feet in the air, their vines emerging over the tippy-top of the corn stalks. None of the plants have had issues with garden pests. The practice of Three Sisters planting is centuries old and comes from Native American tradition. I didn't need to use a trellis for the pole beans since the bean vines had corn stalks to climb. Typically when planting pole beans in with the corn, it's recommended to give the corn a head start, waiting to plant bean seeds until the corn is a few inches tall. I didn't do that. I planted everything at the same time during the first week of May. Beans and corn sprouted up together simultaneously and as they grew the bean vines wrapped around the corn, climbing up and over it, sometimes climbing out into the air an...