It was time to adopt a dog, and that led to researching what dogs make the best farm dogs. We considered numerous breeds, from Great Pyrenees and Sheepdogs to German Shepherds and a variety of Terriers. A dachshund also ended up on the list. None of those were meant to be for us, however, as we came across a four-year-old tricolor English Springer Spaniel that needed a new home. "Mojo" is now enjoying her days spent running around the farm, sleeping on the bed, and chewing her bone on the parlor rug. We are fortunate to have found her. I would have to say that an English Springer Spaniel makes a pretty good farm dog. She sticks close by, and so she can be trusted to run loose. She's shown quite a bit of interest in the chickens but has not tried to harm any of them, even when they've gotten loose and she had free access to them. She is easily trained and responsive, and protective of us. And she's an adorable, loving family dog.