I've been cooped up inside the house for too long due to all the rainy weather we've been having lately. When finally there was break in the weather the other day, my daughter and I ventured out to the community barn. We love watching what goes on over there in the community barn / garden / chicken pen. A dozen or so homeowners in the area participate together in caring for this area and the animals. A side benefit in having this shared resource right next door is that it provides us newbie hobby farmers with examples of how it's done. This week, we noticed they had moved the chickens over into the garden. The chickens obviously love being able to pick through the remnants of the last season's bounty, while also helping the gardeners get a jump-start on controlling weeds and garden pests. The chickens are also fertilizing the garden with their droppings. Chickens have a unique way of running that I just can't stop watching. I've got about a do...